Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Flaubert's "Madame Bovary" - Week One

Consider the following questions in your reading and analysis of Madame Bovary – as always – think about how the novel deals with the issues below in relation to themes of the course (love and desire)

 1. At the beginning of the novel, we meet Charles. How would you describe him? And his hat? How does
the narrator describe this hat? What type of hat is this? What do you think it symbolizes?

 2. How would you describe Emma? What does the novel reveal about her personality (especially the chapters on her childhood and upbringing)? How do other characters in the film view her? She does not really speak until the sixth chapter – why? What are these first words and what do they signify?

 3. Why does Emma find the ball at La Vaubyésssard so important? Notice the way others treat her – does she belong to this society? Why or why not?

 4. How does Emma view time? Consider the way the novel depicts her after the ball.

 5. Discuss Emma’s pregnancy. Who in truth “carries” the pregnancy? Emma? Why or why not? What does the novel say about maternity?

 6. Speak about the relationship between Emma and Léon. What happens between them? How do you explain what happens to Emma after Léon’s departure?

 7. The chapter on the agricultural fair is extremely important – what is the relationship between humans and animals?

 8. Analyze Emma and Rodolphe’s actions at the fair. Why do you think they are separated from the others? What is the irony of Rodolphe’s speech (especially if you pay attention to what is going on at the fair)? How does the fair comment upon Rodolphe’s speech?

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