Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hannah Crosby

Who should have the power to dictate who loves who? “Love Knows No Limits” is the title of my presentation because no matter how you identify yourself your relationship should never be forbidden. I’ve grown to be a passionate supporter of same sex couples and encourage all those who love the same sex to embrace who they are. Same sex couples are entitled to a happy love life.
Entering the University of Hartford has challenged my previous knowledge with diversity. I grew up in a small town in New Hampshire and did not have the opportunity to experience the wealth of diversity I have had here. I have met many people who are in same sex relationships and I find it so rejuvenating. Their perseverance to fight through the struggles of being openly gay is incredible. When I find relationships I have been in struggling or hard to bear I have to remember that at least I still have the ability to walk out in public holding my significant other’s hand.
“Love Knows No Limits” is a powerful statement giving all people the opportunity to love. Knowing no limit in love is not only representative of same sex couples, but heterosexual couples as well. I decided for my visual project to write a poem and display some pictures that are meaningful to me. One of the men in the wedding photographs is a supervisor of mine that I admire tremendously and it was awesome he allowed me to display his special day. Having the enthusiasm to love who you are no matter whom you love is inspiring and my supervisor embodies every bit of that quality.
I decided to write a cento which is a poem composed of previously written works of art. I wrote it from the perspective of a homosexual. This was difficult to immerse myself into another perspective that I am not accustomed too, but it helped me understand the difficulties that a homosexual would face expressing how they feel to the world. In my opinion, people should challenge their beliefs and do something similar to writing this poem because it has made me more aware and understanding than I already was. I have a very open heart and mind to same sex couples.
Additionally, in my presentation I posted a map of the nation that highlights the different supporting laws of same sex partnerships, unions, and marriages. I find this helpful to understand how much of our country still does not recognize same sex marriage. I do believe that our nation is moving forward in changing laws to make same sex marriage recognized and legalized nationwide.
Lastly, I asked a few people that I know who are in a same sex relationship or marriage to share their “coming out” story. “Coming out” is when the individual expresses his or her sexual orientation to others. This process is challenging because people are not always accepting of others. I feel really passionate about sharing my voice to help others to have the sexual and intimate freedom that they deserve and desire. 

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